A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Prodded T-shirt Rag Rug Class!

Still not hooked up to my website; long, drawn out story, so, alas, I must post my upcoming art classes here.
Prodded T-Shirt Rag Rug Class with Julie Sullivan

Learn to make a prodded t-shirt in burlap

 rug using your old t-shirts. Bring at least 

10 or more medium to heavy weight t-

shirts or mid-weight fleece. Bring shears.

 Think of basic design and colors and

 bring those with you. Finished rugs

 approximately 20" x 24". This will 

take 4-6 classes to complete. Rest of 

materials provided. $60.- RSVP by

 October 23, class starts

 Tuesday,October 30.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Upcoming Classes @A Work of Art Studio!

New Upcoming Art Classes!
RSVP by paying ahead in house 
@ A Work of Art Studio in Lakeview, MI.
Call Molly @989-352-8222
Hand Sculpted Clay Class with Maureen Roslanic
Thursday, August 23, 6-8:30 pm, $35.-,
includes materials.
May hand sculpt a form or make a tile of your own design.

Soap Making Class with Julie Sullivan

Saturday, September 22, 11 am-2 pm. $35., 

all materials included. Limited to 6 students, RSVP 

required by pre-payment.

Learn the basics of lye soap making along with a bit of

 history of the craft

by making about 2 pounds of soap. First week make

 and pour soap, second visit (to be determined) we will

 cut, finish

 and then let it finish curing (final curing about a 

month). We will use milk or green tea for the base with

 the lye!

Braided Wool Rug Class with Julie Sullivan
Tuesday, October 2, 6-9 pm, $35.- all materials included.
Make a 6"x 12" braided wool rug center while 
learning history and different techniques.
(This can be the center of a larger rug, which would be finished consecutive Tuesday nights for $5. per session + cost
of extra wool).
Must RSVP to choose color range of wool ahead of time.
Call Molly @989-352-8222

Ongoing Mosaic Sculpture Class!
with Molly Moblo Perusse
Tuesday + Thursday nights 6-9 pm.
$85.- all materials included.
Learn to make a sculpture with wire screen, plaster gauze,
 mortar and then mosaic to your own pattern.
(Required beforehand: Beginning Mosaic Class-
Tuesday nights 6-9 pm, $60-, make a 12" square, flat mosaic of your own pattern, all materials included).

Remember to RSVP by coming into the shop.
A Work of Art Studio
326 S Lincoln Ave, Lakeview, MI
Questions: Call Molly @ 989-352-8222.
And keep checking for new updated classes on this blog while I update my website. Thanks:) Molly


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hand Sculpted Clay Class

"It was beautiful not despite but because of the friction it has had to endure. It had been thrashed around, but instead of being destroyed, it was improved with every scratch and scrape, sculpted. In fact, the scuffs themselves are what gave it its quiet splendor; they are responsible for turning a simple piece of glass (which could have just as easily been trash) into a gem. It wouldn't be the same without the wear and tear; it wouldn't be something pretty enough to be turned into jewelry if it hadn't been damn near broken. I closed my fist around this tear-shaped gem and thought about my own uneven edges, my own abrasions, and things I have endured that have, instead of breaking me, completed me, prepared me for the next tumble. Its odd beauty was hard-won. It came from reinventing itself. From having risen to the top of the discard pile. Like a phoenix, from victim to victor. (325)" 
— Wendy Blackburn (Beachglass: A Novel)

Hand Sculpted Clay Class with Maureen Roslanic

Thursday, August 23, 6 - 9pm. $35.- includes materials. 

RSVP required by paying ahead @ A Work of Art Studio.

May hand sculpt a form or make a tile of your own design.

Class may run the next Thursday if adding color to clay.

Here are some of Maureen's examples: