A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Time for Peace

Opening Tomorrow!
2014 International Mosaic Auction...a benefit for

Doctors Without Borders/Medicines Sans Frontieres!
Beginning at 5:00pm EST November 22, through 5:00pm EST December 6, the extraordinary mosaic artworks of an international group of artists will be available for bid to raise funding for the critical and continued efforts of 
The call was out by Lin Schorr Mixed Media Mosaics-Community Projects & Events to make a mosaic to auction off for the great cause of Doctors Without Borders. This is my piece:
Lin Schorr Mixed Media Mosaics-Community Projects & Events
Auction# 183

Artist: Molly Moblo Perusse

Title: ‘A Time for Peace’

Item: Double-sided hanging mosaic

Size: 10” x 11”, 25cm x 30cm

Tesserae: stained glass butterfly on wood (both sides) connected with antique hinge and ceiling hanging hardware

Molly is a licensed cosmetologist with an associate’s degree in Interior Design and a mosaic/mixed media artist. She is the owner/operator of A Work of Art Studio & Salon, a full service salon with art classes and gallery/retail space in a historic building in Lakeview, MI.

She is a self taught mosaic artist of 14 years, literally using a hammer and pliers to smash glass until she learned there were specific tools for the art. Her original moniker should have been “Carpal Tunnel Mosaics” but her husband thought the name “Smashing Mosaics” was more professional.

She has created many kitchen back splashes and other works of art. In 2009 she entered her “Poppies” mosaic in Grand Rapids’ ArtPrize, which was venued at the Paul Collins Gallery. She ventured into sculpture for 2010 ArtPrize by creating “Luminary”, a 9’ x 6’ wide sculpture mosaic/mixed media angel, which was venued at the Grand Rapids Civic Theater and can be seen here: http://aworkofartstudio.blogspot.com/2010/09/luminary-flies-to-her-new-coop-gr-civic.html

For the auction piece Molly cut butterfly wings from 1/2” plywood and attached them with an antique hinge and mosaiced both sides. She was inspired by Sadako Sasaki’s quote: “I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world” and placed that on one side with the other representing the “tardis” (a time machine) from the “Dr. Who” television series. The butterfly is hung from a 10” piece of an old yardstick, a possible inference to increments of time. “A Time for Peace” seemed a perfect theme for the devoted people who volunteer their time to serve and solve issues of world health.

Even though Molly works as a hair stylist to pay the bills, she loves to teach and host art classes at her shop. She works on two to three commission pieces a year in between haircuts. If you are interested in commissioning a mosaic/mixed media piece, please contact Molly at A Work of Art Studio: Molly@aworkofartstudio@me.com

Molly Moblo Perusse ~ A Work of Art Studio
Website: http://www.aworkofartstudio.com/
Blog: http://aworkofartstudio.blogspot.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/molly-moblo-perusse/20/5/5b
Press: http://www.mosaicartnow.com/2010/09/26/ (Article about ArtPrize 2010)
Press: http://digital.zoompubs.com/display_article.php?id=494389 (Local article about my art)
Installation Images: https://www.facebook.com/martin.cheek/media_set?set=a.10202352407826216.1073741911.1072932954&type=3 (Photo album of installation of mosaic with Martin Cheek) 
Michigan, USA
                                   Click this link for more information or to bid on a mosaic:

Don't forget to bid!