A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Once I was afraid.

I thought I didn’t have a voice.

Well, I had a voice, 

it rambled in a constant negative gibberish with one desired outcome, “somebody love me.”

Reliant on external commendation, approval of right or wrong doing.

Memories of people walking away while I was speaking.

An inner dialogue of self-doubt and loathing.

A religious foundation based on original sin, laying the blame of separation on the female. 

A dichotomic God who was omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, 

and yet begged to be feared, absolution only through priestly mediation.

An oxymoronic message.

A needy love/ hate existence.

A warped world perception in a low grade vibration.

A chasm of disconnection, of misunderstanding, between Adam and Eve. 

A dogged divine feminine rearing its unbalanced head 

in a life of “reality” shows playing on the shadow victim archetype.

A euphoric existence seemed beyond my reach

but, there was always a glimmer of bliss shining through all questioning of 

“Why am I here and what is my purpose?”

I became cognizant of an inner compass

And birthed a new voice of the Goddess; one without fear, of self love and connection. 

I learned to tone the negative voice down, shut it off, refine the flawed opinion, 

the over-inflated worthlessness

into a song of praise with lyrics of love.

I remembered my cheerleading skills while practicing positive mantras in the mirror, and started 

yelling for the soul team of my birth.

That team included every one, because all are God/Goddess disguised in different costumes

braving an excruciating, breathtaking, exhilarating human life

in order to experience duality, dichotomy, polarity.

I brave a promising voice full of belief in a true existence of oneness 

and love without condition.

I strive to embody the transcendental Divinity.

Every day a blessing of choice, every thought a manifestation 

drawing synchronicity like a magnet, for better or worse, until death us do part.


Molly Moblo Perusse
 Molly Moblo Perusse
Title of mixed media/mosaic and prose of verbosity: Dogma
Materials in mixed media/mosaic: stained glass on wood base, silver leafed halo, wire screen crown with assorted beads and gems.

Molly is a licensed cosmetologist with an associates degree in Interior Design and a mosaic/mixed media artist. She is the owner/operator of A Work of Art Studio & Salon, a full service salon with art classes and gallery/retail space in a historic building in Lakeview, MI. 
    She is a self taught mosaic artist of 17 years, literally using a hammer and pliers to smash glass until she learned there were specific tools for the art. Her original moniker should have been “Carpal Tunnel Mosaics” but her husband thought the name “Smashing Mosaics” was more professional.
    She has created many kitchen back splashes and other works of art. In 2009 she entered her “Poppies” mosaic in Grand Rapids’ ArtPrize, which was venued at the Paul Collins Gallery. She ventured into sculpture for 2010 ArtPrize by creating “Luminary”, a 9’ x 6’ wide sculpture mosaic/mixed media angel, which was venued at the Grand Rapids Civic Theater and can be seen here: http://aworkofartstudio.blogspot.com/2010/09/luminary-flies-to-her-new-coop-gr-civic.html.    
      The inspiration for the art work, Dogma (otherwise known as “Our Lady of Perpetual Treats”), came intuitionally with the words, “dogs as religious icons”; the blessed virgin was perfect subject matter for this work representing a labrador retriever goddess, intact with bone treats on my mind, on my lips, and in my heart. (Sorry, a little Catholic overlapping). She was meant to represent a devoted, gentle spirited, all loving saint. Dog spelled backward is, well, you get the drift.
    The inspiration for the written “Dogma” was a desire to explain the nature of the mosaic. Molly enjoys threading a good poem from time to time but it takes more of her left brain than time or available quiet usually allows.

Even though Molly works as a hair stylist to pay the overhead, she loves to teach and host art classes at her shop. She works on two to three commission pieces a year in between clients. If you are interested in commissioning a mosaic/mixed media piece, please call Molly at A Work of Art Studio: 989-352-8222, or email Molly @aworkofartstudio@me.com
    Molly’s website and blog and other sites of interest:

http://www.mosaicartnow.com/2010/09/26/ (Article about ArtPrize 2010)