Fall Classes at A Work of Art Studio!
Come make stamps & block prints for gifts/ wrapping paper/ fun!!! You will leave with up to three of your own stamps and cards. Learn how to carve up a stamp & how to print with block printing paint. All materials included. $25. RSVP by pre-payment at studio.
- Soap Making Class- Saturday, Nov 8 & November 29: 1-3 pm.
$35.-all materials included. Limited to 6 students, RSVP required by pre- payment. Learn the basics of lye soap making along with a bit of history of the craft by making about 2 pounds of soap. First week make and pour soap, second visit (to be determined) we will cut, finish and then let it finish curing (final curing about a month). We will use goat's milk or green tea for the base with the lye! RSVP by pre-payment.
Oil Painting in the Bob Ross Method- Tuesday, Starting November 11: 4-6 or 7-9pm. Starting Tuesday, November 11, 4-6 or 7-9, come and create an oil painting in the Bob Ross Method in two sessions. $25.- per painting all materials included. 6 weeks of sessions (3 paintings) RSVP by pre-payment required.
Holiday Printed Paper/Embellishment Class-Saturday, Nov 15: 11-4
Create your own printed paper for the holidays and learn package finishing techniques. Includes:Block printing and paper marbleizing techniques for paper and cards, making small gift boxes from greeting cards, making small banners for garlands and other embellishment ideas. All materials included. Leave with 5 large sheets of wrapping paper and several embellishments to wrap your own packages! $30.- Going on from 11-4, may join anytime during these hours as long as you leave enough time to Create some Awesomeness!
- Hobo Bag Class- Thursday, Nov 20: 6-9 pm & Saturday, November 22: 12-3pm.

taught by Kevin Herzog. Space is limited, reserve your spot ahead.
Price is $12 per class and the first 3 classes will be Dec 3,10,17 4-5:30
Bring a sketchbook, a pencil, and a smiling face!
Price is $12 per class and the first 3 classes will be Dec 3,10,17 4-5:30
Bring a sketchbook, a pencil, and a smiling face!
Candy Making Class- Saturday, December 6: 1-3 pm. Come and learn how to make chocolate covered cherries and Peanut Butter Balls! Leave with 2 dozen of each. $30.- all materials included. RSVP required by pre-payment at studio.
Paper Banners/Bunting Class- Tuesday, Dec 9: 6-9 pm.
Learn how to put banners & buntings together. Paper and hanging materials provided. $15.-
- Magnets Class- Saturday, November 29: 2-3pm & Thursday, Dec 11: 6-9 pm

A Work of Art Studio Nights- every Tuesday & Thursday. Having trouble finishing existing projects? Come work and get support from fellow artists any Tuesday or Thursday night from 6-9 pm. $2.50 per night. No RSVP necessary unless needing individual design advice.
- Lakeview Makers Group: Computers, Programming, Electronics, Robotics, CNC Cad-Cam- Studio time Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-7pm. 6th grade - 110 years old, younger with parent. Working with electronic components and creating projects from and learning to program them. By donation (small fee for circuit boards). UPstairs at A Work of Art Studio.
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