A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Word Perfect?

"...It was that sweet moment between wake and sleep when the dream has only a foot in the door that the day and its duties have left ajar. I wanted always to remember that sweetness, that moment, and knew I could not rise to write the details down-...because the slumber was tightening around me. And I was searching for a word, one word that I could keep and remember till the morning: one word only: a key, a password by which I could return to this moment just long enough to make a poem, a purse made of words to keep the treasure of it in." ~Thomas Lynch
Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality

I love this sentiment: "a purse made of words to keep the treasure of it in."  Awesome. And since I couldn't find a "purse" to show, here is an excellent artist who makes handmade journals- even better to keep your words in. She is Miz Katie, a mixed media artist who paints people, cities, and the characters in her head. She has originals, reproductions, handmade books and professional prints.  I found her beautiful artwork on ArtFire. Please check her out:
And check out some Thomas Lynch words today.

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