"Never miss a good chance to shut up."
Well, you all know me a bit better than that, I can't help but brag about the latest and greatest classes and goings on at A Work of Art Studio. It just took some vacation time to settle enough to write.
The biggest news: Antiques & other Elements now available.
There will be a few sources for new items coming in regularly.
Essential Oils now available as well.
Art Classes have been greatly successful and well attended.
Finishing up mosaic projects...
Here is Deb's fish sculpture with her luscious lips and lashes.

Working on mixed media wooden cutout fish...

Herbal balm making class was outstanding and may lead to more herbal classes.
My awesome hubby taught me how to use a jigsaw and I cut this out for a client.
I placed my first sculpture "Herman" in my garden.
The ladies of the art class league wave their hello's.
And the start of my latest project: a sunflower mixed media/bottle cap sculpture for my deck wall. I have flattened most of my bottle caps, wired them up and now to add them to my hardware cloth. Next will be layers of petals with more hardware cloth and copper.
A lovely angel frog mosaic in the works...
Stay tuned for more upcoming projects and class pictures.
Coming up in August: Quilting Class with a Pattern, Weaving
Class in September. Check out
www.aworkofartstudio.com for class updates & info.
Peace, out.
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