"Make the most of yourself....for that is all
there is of you."
- T-shirt Prodded Rag Rug Class- Tuesday, September 16, 6-9pm: Learn to make a prodded t-shirt in burlap rug using your old t-shirts. Bring at least 10 or more medium to heavy weight t-shirts or mid-weight fleece. Bring shears. Think of basic design and colors and bring those with you. Finished rugs approximately 20" x 24". This will take 4-6 classes to complete. Rest of materials provided. $60.- RSVP by pre-payment required, class starts Tuesday, September 16 and continues every Tuesday until finished.
- Essential Oils Class- Wednesday, Sept 17, 6-9pm:
Learn how Essential Oils can help in your daily life.
*Going green with essential oils
*Household Cleaner
Learn the benefits Essential Oils can provide.
*Physical effects of the oils on the skin, nervous system, glands, muscles, blood and the lymph system.
A list of beneficial oils will be provided and ways to use them.
*Topical Application
*Carrier Oils
We will partner up to do some hands on work with the vita flex points on the hands to affect specific body points.
We will make Aromatherapy bath salts or a Facial scrub to take home for your personal use.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, Sept. 16th so supplies can be ordered. Cost of class is $30.00, includes cost of supplies.
- Vino VanGogh Acrylic Painting Class- Thursday, Sept 18, 6-9pm: Acrylic painting on 12"x12" canvas class $45.00 class fee. Come and relax with a glass of wine and take home your painted masterpiece.RSVP required by pre-payment at studio.
- Watercolor Painting Class- Sept 25, Oct 16, 6-9pm:.No experience necessary. Paint a watercolor picture in one 3 hour class. $25.- all materials provided. RSVP required by pre-payment at studio.
- Basics of EBAY Selling- Thurs, Oct 2. 6-9pm: *Learn how to Price, Prepare Listing for Selling, Tips to Earn Profits, and Shipping. *Pitfalls and how to make selling on eBay profitable and fun. *Learn the value of Feedback and how best to get and maintain a Positive Feedback Status. $25.- RSVP by pre-payment at the studio.
- Hand & arm warmers from Old Sweater Class- Tues,Oct 7, 6-9pm: Make a pair of hand warmers from an old sweater. You provide the sweater and we provide the fun! $35.- RSVP required by pre-payment at studio
- Pottery Painting Class- Thursday, Oct 23, 6-9pm: Paint a piece or two of pottery. We supply the pieces and glazes and firing. You have the fun of designing your pieces for yourself or for an awesome gift! $40.- RSVP by pre-payment at studio.
- Painted Walking Stick Class- Thursday, Oct 30, 6-9pm: Walking stick class. Come and paint or decorate a walking stick. $25.- all materials included. RSVP by pre-payment at studio.
- Soap Making Class- Saturday, Oct 25: 1-3 pm. $35.-all materials included. Limited to 6 students, RSVP required by pre- payment. Learn the basics of lye soap making along with a bit of history of the craft by making about 2 pounds of soap. First week make and pour soap, second visit (to be determined) we will cut, finish and then let it finish curing (final curing about a month). We will use goat's milk or green tea for the base with the lye! RSVP by pre-payment.
- Free Quilting Bee- First Tuesday of every month
- A Work of Art Studio Nights- every Tuesday & Thursday. Having trouble finishing existing projects? Come work and get support from fellow artists any Tuesday or Thursday night from 6-9 pm. $2.50 per night. No RSVP necessary.
Come join the fun at A Work of Art Studio every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6-9 pm!
Here's a glimpse at what's been happening the last few months:
Studio time with mosaic projects all around!
Amazing watercolor paintings being made by mostly beginners with the talented Suzanne Dangerman teaching.
Super fun sign painting class with amazing artist and teacher, Charis Moblo!
Our talented and versatile artist and teacher, Julie Sullivan is at it again, having perfected her sculpture armature process for mosaic (class to come in the future schedule). This is her gorgeous mosaic koi pond table top.
Here are two amazing artists working on terra-cotta bases for birdbaths in the garden.
This is a mosaic/mixed media piece I created for a mosaic auction for Doctors without Borders. It is called "A Time For Peace". It says: "I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world." ~Sadako Sasaki
and on the back side is a mosaic rendering of the tardis time machine from the "Dr. Who" series.
Here is the picture and other auction offerings on Flickr:
2014 International Mosaic Auction benefit for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will be held online at:
Auction opens November 22 – Auction closes December 6

The full description is on this page on FaceBook:
Just a few of the exciting happenings at A Work of Art Studio. Come and join the fun and become one of the studio regulars, we love newcomers!
326 S. Lincoln Ave, Lakeview, MI 48850