A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gradual Enlightenment

"As we pass one step, and as we recognize it as being behind us, the next one already rises up before us. By the time we learn everything, we slowly come to understand it. And while you come to understand everything gradually, you don't remain idle at any moment: you are already attending to your new business; you live, you act, you move, you fulfill the new requirements of every new step of development. If, on the other hand, there were no schedule, no gradual enlightenment, if all the knowledge descended on you at once right there in one spot, then it's possible neither your brains nor your heart could bear it." 
— Imre Kertész 

As in life, this is also true in art and craft. Every little thing we attend to or learn today can be added with our extended knowledge to whatever project we are working on. Practicing, practicing, practicing makes you crazy when you're a kid and don't understand what the outcome will be from all that repetition. Here are a few examples of the enlightenment happening at A Work of Art Studio & Salon.

 Quilting experts who come for a quilting bee every first Wednesday of the month.

 Beginning mosaic class. Obviously, this client is a "natural".
 More advanced mosaic and sculpture techniques. Bodice and wings in preparation for mosaic glass.
 Underside & top of mosaic sculpture flower and the happy client who purchased it.

 Salon Price Board.
 Crocheted wire and beaded bracelet class.
 Crocheting and felting class.
 Finished crocheted bracelets!

 Advanced student bringing her at home mosaic projects in to share!
 Busy, busy night classes! Rugs, crocheting, mosaicing...
 Braided wool basket making.

Check out the art class schedule on my newly crafted website
www.aworkofartstudio.com and click on "Studio Schedule" page.