A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Life Without Art?


Life without ART, by Darlene Lewis

Can you ask a baby not to cry?
can you ask a bird not to fly?
can you ask a flower not to bloom?
life without art is  death after doom
life without movement still and content
worthless meaningless time is spent
idle just slumber just plain and bland
no strokes no pens or pencil in hand
no music no prose  no blisters on toes
no broken hearted dancers no shows
only true artists understand and know
how life would be so grey and dark
life without love is life without art
rehearsals and go sees and cattle calls
no models no musicians at all
no mp3s or mov's nor any html
no lyrics lost no cds to sell
no beats no bangs no blues no rock
no jazz no reggatone no not
museum walls crying for frames
artifacts unknown fossil names
markers paint oil and lead
art cannot live if it is dead
Art is a baby waiting to be
nurtured and loved eternally
Art is a Rose in full bloom
Life without art is Death after Doom

New Lino Block Print Artist @
A Work of Art Studio
Welcome to Tillie Bergmeier

Growing up in Pontiac, MI, in an artistic family, Tillie Bergmeier draws inspiration from life in the city, as well as her Christian faith. The subject matter of her prints is often a combination of friends and family members and city scenes. She now studies printmaking at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, where she is experimenting with photo transfer and collage methods.

Tillie has been most inspired by her father, John Bergmeier, who has a Masters in Print Making.
Check his work out @
