A Mosaic of Ideas About Life, Art & Superfluous Adornment.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fly Away....

"Oh, Lord, have mercy, she said.
  If I could just borrow a pair of angel wings,
 I'd fly away. 
               Yes I would.
                                        I'd just fly away.
                                                         Fly away."

                                   Charis Moblo
Loving the mixture of Verdi gris & Copper Feathers!

Copper feathers attached to a rebar/hardware cloth base.

"Luminary's" Wings.  Almost done with one side.
That is a lot of wiring; about 40 hours already; and one side to go.
As of today (7/24/10) I am almost done with side 2. Did run out of copper
feathers, don't ya know; ordered more to finish.

The "Light" offering of Luminary- the Light Bringer.
And the start of her mosaic shawl.  Only 60 days until
@ArtPrize installation @GRCivicTheatre!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Curses, Plastered again!"

"An impossibility does not disturb us until its accomplishment show what fools we were." 
~Henry S. Haskins

I am fully and wonderfully plastered from head to toe, as is my @ArtPrize Sculpture.
Only took me 4-5 days to accomplish; a great base to start with.

She has a bustle; only fitting for a "Light Bringing" Angel?

Hands are just about ready to hold the world;  the "Orb" got plastered today, drying away.
Her shawl got wrapped around her arm; gotta have enough cloth to dry someone's tears.
Here are one side of the bottom wings laid out ready to be "sewn" on with copper wire.

Here are "Molly's Angels", Lisa & Michael, attaching a few copper feathers; Thanks!
Four Days of wiring and plastering have left me with a great start to "Luminary".
Waiting on some colored stained glass to make final decisions on coloration.
A lot of work yet to do, but I am thankful to have had all weekend to work on Her. Thanks, family!
And thanks to all interested in her growth, and to all the incoming encouragement.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Angel Parts Coming Together!

"Light gives of itself freely, filling an available space.  
It does not seek anything in return;
it asks not whether you are friend or foe.
It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished."
~Michael Strassfield
Crunch time is here. I have secured a venue for @ArtPrize;
The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Stage!
"Luminary" will have quite a presence up there.

The patinated copper feathers laid out to dry from their vinegar and salt solution.

Attaching the angelic cement face to the head structure.
She waits so patiently for me to finish..

"Angels, pixies, faerie dust
Treading love and living lust."
~Jaesse Tyler

She is my friend ; we shall be spending much time together in the next few months.
@ArtPrize opening day is September 22, 2010. If any one shall need me, 
I will be in the studio;)